Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Things to know when you are publishing a book

publishing a book

If you have great flair in writing, you might try your hand in publishing a book. Compared to yesteryears, this is not a tough task to accomplish today. During the earlier time, you had to seek the assistance of a publishing company in order to get your name printed on a book. However good you were with writing, the opinion of the publishers stood final. This is not the case anymore. If you are good at writing, you can self-publish a book with ease. It will not cost you a huge lot of money either, thanks to modern technology resources. However, you should not take things lightly. There are few factors that should be considered if you want to be successful with your book.

Flawless content

The content that you write should be flawless. If you want people to read your book, you should spend time in avoiding all sorts of errors. There should be a continuity in the pages and there should be no spelling or grammatical errors. It is always better to write each page and then proofread it before you go to the next. If you think, you will lose your flow if you stop in between you can go on with the next pages but proofreading is a must. When you launch a book in the commercial markets, you will have to face a lot of competition from plenty of well-established authors. Hence, you need to take care of even the minute details associated with your book in order to enjoy success.

Assistance of an editor

When you are done with the manuscript, you should seek the assistance of a professional editor. If you are not able to afford a professional, you can seek the aid of your friends who have good writing skills. It is always hard to identify your own mistakes. So even if you proofread your work plenty of times, you might omit one or two errors. A person who reads the book will be able to identify the mistakes better and might also be able to suggest fabulous changes. Professional editors will help to give a revamp to the content that is written by you. This will help even if you are looking only at the online publishing option. Plenty of books are now released on the internet because it saves the printing costs. An editor will help to make the book better and will hence help to win you more readers.
Online publishing
Choosing a printing company

If you want to commercialize your book, you need to get it printed first. To do this efficiently, you need to avail the service of a good printing and publishing company. Publishing a book in Arizona is not a tough job because of the availability of a good range of printing companies. You should take a look at the creative ability of the professionals working in the company before you make your final selection though. In order to successfully launch a book in the market and to grab the attention of readers, you need to be careful with the print quality and the cover design. These will be handled well if you choose a good printing company in Arizona. 

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

5 Questions That Can Help You Sell Your Book With Ease: Part 1

Writing a book
 Have you ever asked someone to help you with selling your book? Are you tired of saying “Help me! How can I sell my book?” Experts say that to sell a book, marketing has to be done precisely. Well, no doubt in this. However, if this isn’t helping you well, then it might be that loophole is somewhere else. Here are the 5 most important questions, which will help you sell your book with ease. Without much ado, let us quickly look at them.

1.    Have you offered your book in ebook format?

This is the first important question which you have to answer. If you look at the statistics of the previous 2 years, you will be amazed to see the results, which says, ebook did pretty well in comparison with the print books. You should have many ebooks for sale, if you want to see a good sales of your books online.

Well, there are people who call it, ‘tsunami of crap’ upon seeing the rising number of ebooks, but the truth and facts says that this is good in terms of getting higher sales as the e-book market is growing globally with getting new prospects for business.

2.    Is the book cover designed professionally?
Sell your book
If you know your business well, then you must be knowing that book buyers still buy the book with their eyes. If they are pleased with the cover and its content, then they easily get convinced with the book, and the rest of the convincing is no doubt done by the blurb and reviews on the book.

Well, make sure that you stay away from DIY cover for your book, instead go for professional book cover designing, as that would surely make you see rise in your book sales.

Yes, we promised for 5 questions in the title. These are the first two important ones. Rest 3 are discussed in the “5 Questions That Can Help You Sell Your Book With Ease: Part 2”

Friday, 7 February 2014

Print on Demand Features

On demand printingPrint on demand (POD) is a publishing expertise and business process in which new copies of a publication (or other document) are not printed until an alignment has been received, which means publications can be published one at a time. While build to order has been an established enterprise model in many other commerce, print on demand has evolved only after digital the beginning of publishing because it was not economical to print exact replicates using customary printing expertise such as letterpress and counteract printing.

  •     Traditional Printing

Numerous traditional little presses have restored their traditional printing gear with on demand printing. Numerous academic publishers, encompassing university presses, use POD services to sustain a large backlist; some even use POD for their free book publishing.  Larger publishers may use POD in special circumstances such as reprinting older names that are out of publish or for performing test marketing. Print on demand with digital expertise is used as a way of publishing items for a repaired cost per copy, despite of the dimensions of the aorder. While the unit cost of each personal exact replicate published is higher than with counteract printing, the average cost is smaller for very small publish runs, because setup charges are much higher for counteract publishing.

  •     Advantages of on Demand Printing

POD has other enterprise advantages in addition to lower charges (for little runs):
  1.      Mechanical set-up is generally quicker than for offset publishing
  2.      Large inventories of a publication or print material do not need to be kept in supply
  3.      Decreasing storage 
  4.      Management costs
  5.      Inventory accounting charges

 There is little or no waste from unsold goods. These advantages reduce the dangers affiliated with publishing books and publishers and can lead to bigger alternatives for buyers. Although, the reduced risks for the publisher can also mean that value command is less rigorous than usual.

Digital Expertise
Digital expertise is ideally matched to publish little print sprints of posters (often as a single copy) when they are required. The introduction of UV-curable inks and newspapers for large format inkjet printers has permitted creative persons, photographers and proprietors of likeness collections to take benefit of print on demand.  Some businesses focus on POD booklets, catalogs, and/or magazines. It is not yet commercially viable for single exact replicates on newsprint or bulletins. 
 Print on demand
  •      POD Platforms
Rather than tailoring themselves to the classic book format, these new stages strive to make POD more mass-market by conceiving tools/APIs within which a variety of distinct text and image application systems can be moved into a POD paradigm and consigned back to the buyer as completed books. The management of copyrights and royalties is often less important in this market, as the publications themselves have a narrow assembly and the real worth proposition is round the ability to get a physical exact replicate of a digital periodical, blog, or picture-collection.