Friday, 30 August 2013

Quick Book Design Tips For New Self Publishers

Welcome to the world of self publishing a book. Now that you have decided to publish your book on the own, here are some tips for you that would make your journey smoother. But before you start, here is an advice for you. Whatever you do, it should look professional, and your work must not highlight that it is an amateur production by some self publisher.
To meet the publishing conventions, it is important to avoid certain common mistakes when designing a book, which are generally made by new self-publishers. Here are some of them:

·         Confusion with the pages:
This is very slight yet common mistake, which is generally made by new self publishers. Do not make the mistake of switching the pages. Always keep a simple fact in mind that all the right hand page of any book, i.e. starting with page 1, has odd numbers, whereas, left hand pages are even numbers. If you remember this, then there will not be any confusion of page switch.

·         Blank page means a BLANK page:
Also, when designing the book, do not put any page number, running head, or any title on the pages which are meant to be blank. A blank page means a blank page, so there should not be anything on it.  

·         Rule of the blank page:
While book printing, make sure that there is no blank page on the right hand side. By having a blank page on the right hand side, a disharmony in reading is felt by the reader. Moreover, it gives an incomplete feel while reading.

·         Creating a proper front
It is important to create initial pages or the book front very wisely. Before you start the text of the book, there has to be title page, a copyright page, and a contents page. So, before you print a book, make sure that you have included these important pages in the beginning.

·         Tiny fonts or page margins
Never try to save your money by printing fewer pages and selecting tiny fonts as well as tiny margins. The books with tiny fonts get tiny readers only, and here tiny means fewer. These are the books, which people do not want to read; so you must select an ideal size for the margins as well as font. Outside margins should be such that the reader gets enough space to hold the book and inside margins should be such that the text is not swallowed in the cutter.

·         The game of capital fonts
When Print a book, you must know the difference between the title case and the sentence case. The titles, subtitles, chapter titles, and subheads in your book should be in title case, i.e. the initials should be in capital. And yes, if there is any small preposition then that shouldn’t be capitalized.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Did You Save Money By Self Publishing The Book?

It is said that by self publishing a book, one can save money. Is it true? Have you ever analyzed weather you are saving as per your expectations or are you still over spending by online publishing a book yourself? If you are saving, then nothing is better than that; but if you meet disappointment here & think that you should have saved more, then here are the tips that might help you meet your expectations.

·         It is important that a flawless work reach the readers or audience. And for this, several authors look out for experienced professionals, who can check the work & fix the errors. These professionals obviously charge an amount in lieu of their services. You can save this amount with a smarter decision which needs very wise selection. Ask a friend or family person, whom you think is reliable enough to do the task.
·         Typing the content is another important aspect. Instead of paying an extra amount to a professional for typing the content for you, you can utilize the free online writing tools. These tools are easy to use, you just need to have a fair knowledge about the format, and page size in which you want the book.
·                                                                                                                                                                                                                        No doubt, cover is an important part of the book and it matters a lot, however, while designing the cover as well, you can save the money. An easy way is to get the assistance of the graphics & designing student, who has fair knowledge about designing work. You can express what you want in the cover and he can design that for you. Otherwise, there are several websites of self publishing companies, which offer option of free cover designing, this is also a good way to save the money.  
·         On demand printing is one of the best ways to save the money. If you have to print a book, then instead of giving bulk orders for printing, opt for print on demand option. In this, you can print the book, as & when required and get the delivery as well. This not only saves from over paying for extra copies, but also save the amount that you might have to pay for the warehouse to stock the extra printed books.

These are some of the ways which might help you in cutting the cost while self publishing a book. Also, you can keep a check upon the promotional activities. If you think that you are over spending there, then you can creatively utilize he free options available online, such as email marketing, article/blog posts, or even press release.

Friday, 16 August 2013

How Is Self publishing a Book Beneficial To Authors & Writers?

Book publishing

A writer spends years on writing a book and giving his best short. Once he is ready with the book, he has to find a publisher, who would publish his book and make it possible to reach the audience. But this isn’t easy. Only an author knows how it feels during the time of hunt of a publisher.

However, with the introduction of print on demand technology, one can notice the changed scenario. Authors are shifting their focus on self-publishing option to self publish their book. There are several benefits of doing self book publishing, some of which are:

     The Time Factor:
If you opt for self-publishing option, you would enjoy the fast services and would be able to save crucial time. You do not have to go through the long process of meeting the publishers and then waiting for their approval for whether they would publish the work or not.

     The Freedom Of Control:
A writer considers his writing as his child. So, if gets the freedom to set the own agenda, artistic direction, and timeframe for book completion, then there is no harm in it. There is no external pressure and one can enjoy complete freedom on the work.

     Widened Reach To Audience:
With self publishing option, you can even opt for e-book format book. With e-book you can make your work reach to more audience spread across the world. With few clicks, one get easily enjoy international distribution of the work.
Self publish book
     No Profit Share Distribution:

Several publishers ask for profit shares from the writers. Also, they charge a lot for the services and cost of overheads. Doing the self publishing would help in saving lot of money and you would also enjoy bigger profit margins.

     Quality Control:
To get the book reviewed and proof read, whom to contact is the decision of the publishers. But, if you prefer to go for self-publishing, you can make your own decisions.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Read these tips before self publishing the book

If you are here, this means you are planning to try your hands in self-publishing. Isn’t it? Self publishing of books is a great idea, but to execute it properly and maintain the professionalism, you need to be careful with certain aspects. To get book published, there are several companies offering online facilities, out of which is one. Here are some tips from the experts at The Book Patch that the authors & publishers should follow before self-publishing their work.

  •     Is the font size apt for your audience?
Font size is one of the most important aspects that is counted while calculating the reader friendly format of the book. Selection of standard font size, i.e., "serif" and "sans serif" styles and 10 or 11 pt. in most cases is preferred, however, you should also keep your audience into consideration. If the audience for your book is older generation, then you can slightly enhance the font size, for the reading convenience. 
  •    Does your final draft has right page size?
Before you prepare yourself for publishing the book do give a thought at the page size of the book. For instance, if you have written he book in standard letter size paper, and you are thinking to get your book in half size paper then you need to be careful. There are tools available on internet that you can utilize to change the page size without rewriting the complete book. You must change the paper size of the book before finally publishing & printing it.

  •     Is your work fully revised?
Revision of the book before publishing it is MUST. Even if you have spent years with your books, still you must dedicate some extra time on revision. If possible, you can take the assistance of some friend or get it proof-read from the professionals. You should make sure that no error reaches to your audience and harm the standards that you want to set for yourself.
book published

  •     Are you ready with the PDF file?
For printing the books, PDF files are very important. You have to convert your draft into PDF once you are finished with writing, editing, formatting, and revision work. While printing, focus upon the high quality printing standards, resolution, and graphics.

Well, these are the tips from the experts that you must adhere to before getting your book published & printing.

Monday, 12 August 2013

5 Tips to Remember While Self publishing Online

book publishing companies
When self-publishing online, there are few tips which must be kept into consideration, to use the bunch of benefits. Follow 5 crucial tips that would help save the money, time, and other resources involved in book publishing as well as its distribution.

•    Influencing cover design
The cover design of the book is very important aspect in calling attention of the readers. By paying proper attention & resources in selecting the cover, one can win half the battle. So, next time when you set yourself to publish book online, you must make sure that you are prepared with the creative ideas for the cover design.

•    Utilizing the added services-print on demand
Several services are provided to the writers, who wish to experiment with self-publishing. One of such service is print on demand. If you are not initially sure about the selling ratio of the book, then do not push yourself into loses by ordering copies in bulk. Get on-demand printing facility where you can even print one book without an additional cost.

•    Future of e-books:
e-books have a great future ahead and this is a good time to mark hold the footstep in the booming zone. There are lots of readers who prefer to read books online, so to cater this segment getting the book in the e-book format is a sensible decision. It does not need huge amount (no need for printing & distribution) rather it assures high profit.

•    Set price with a reasonable profit margin
If not for the authors getting services of book publishing companies, at least the self publishers can manage with lesser price of the books. Yes, it is not acceptable to all, but still it is a wiser decision to keep lower margin but this would help in competing with other titles on the similar subject.

•    Selecting the book title

on-demand printingThe title of the book demands your sincere focus. Specially, for e-books, titles that are part of keyword search have more chance to reach larger section of readers. The authors of ‘non-fiction’ theme can easily and should try their best to implement this tip when selecting the titles for their book.

So, next time when you contact the self publishing companies for publishing the books, remember these tips to get the benefits.