A writer spends years on writing a book and giving his best short. Once he is ready with the book, he has to find a publisher, who would publish his book and make it possible to reach the audience. But this isn’t easy. Only an author knows how it feels during the time of hunt of a publisher.
However, with the introduction of print on demand technology, one can notice the changed scenario. Authors are shifting their focus on self-publishing option to self publish their book. There are several benefits of doing self book publishing, some of which are:
The Time Factor:
If you opt for self-publishing option, you would enjoy the fast services and would be able to save crucial time. You do not have to go through the long process of meeting the publishers and then waiting for their approval for whether they would publish the work or not.
The Freedom Of Control:
A writer considers his writing as his child. So, if gets the freedom to set the own agenda, artistic direction, and timeframe for book completion, then there is no harm in it. There is no external pressure and one can enjoy complete freedom on the work.
Widened Reach To Audience:
With self publishing option, you can even opt for e-book format book. With e-book you can make your work reach to more audience spread across the world. With few clicks, one get easily enjoy international distribution of the work.

No Profit Share Distribution:
Several publishers ask for profit shares from the writers. Also, they charge a lot for the services and cost of overheads. Doing the self publishing would help in saving lot of money and you would also enjoy bigger profit margins.
Quality Control:
To get the book reviewed and proof read, whom to contact is the decision of the publishers. But, if you prefer to go for self-publishing, you can make your own decisions.
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