Well! Writers, today’s blog post is dedicated to you. If you are tired of searching for a renowned book publisher or have lost all hopes after getting so many publishing rejections for your book, then it is important for you to read this. Here we have revealed those 3 dirty secrets about book publishing, which become hindrance in the path of budding authors/writers.
• Why so many rejections? A Deeper insight to cruel truth!
Many writers/authors have to struggle for getting the book published, just because the publishers reject their work. Like you, Mark Victor Hansen, was also one of the authors who struggled hard for his work published. The reason behind rejection is completely for business purpose. So, you must not disappoint and loose hope for your work.

• You are made to believe self-book publishing is difficult!
Self publishing a book is getting popular with several authors/ writers. But still there are more numbers of authors, who still feel that its technical & complicated aspect is not what they can excel with. If you have also believed this, then you to are living in a dark world and have accepted another dirty secret of book publishing. You should at least try self book publish as well as self-print book options. As soon as you would know more about the tips, tricks, & process, then you would gradually learn it and would easily hold command over it.
• Book Publishing plays crucial role in making a book successful:
Book publishing alone cannot done anything. Whether you get it done from a renowned book publishing house in Arizona or do it online on your own with perfection, you would not succeed untill unless you would work upon the marketing aspect. And yes, marketing a book has to be started from initial stage, even before you have started writing a book.
• Why so many rejections? A Deeper insight to cruel truth!
Many writers/authors have to struggle for getting the book published, just because the publishers reject their work. Like you, Mark Victor Hansen, was also one of the authors who struggled hard for his work published. The reason behind rejection is completely for business purpose. So, you must not disappoint and loose hope for your work.

• You are made to believe self-book publishing is difficult!
Self publishing a book is getting popular with several authors/ writers. But still there are more numbers of authors, who still feel that its technical & complicated aspect is not what they can excel with. If you have also believed this, then you to are living in a dark world and have accepted another dirty secret of book publishing. You should at least try self book publish as well as self-print book options. As soon as you would know more about the tips, tricks, & process, then you would gradually learn it and would easily hold command over it.
• Book Publishing plays crucial role in making a book successful:
Book publishing alone cannot done anything. Whether you get it done from a renowned book publishing house in Arizona or do it online on your own with perfection, you would not succeed untill unless you would work upon the marketing aspect. And yes, marketing a book has to be started from initial stage, even before you have started writing a book.
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